@dsir20You can't launch Modern Warfare 3 without first launching Modern Warfare 2pcgamer.com@dsirOP20It literally takes 70-90 seconds to launch Modern Warfare 3. This is absurd..
@TBD4Call of Duty enlists AI to eavesdrop on voice chat and help ban toxic players starting todaypcgamer.com
@Celestriel17Modern Warfare 3 devs complain of crunch, rushed developmentgamesindustry.biz@CelestrielOP17"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" reportedly developed in 16 months, less than half the usual time, involving crunch and communication issues.Developers felt betrayed by the rushed schedule, contrasting promises made post "Call of Duty: Vanguard".Initially conceived as an expansion to "Modern Warfare 2", later changed to a full sequel with global missions.Development team faced stress from slow content approval and significant changes by Infinity Ward.Game received low scores, described as rushed and lacking quality.Sledgehammer Games' head refutes these claims, insisting the project was long-planned and focused on fan desires.